What are you asking me to do in this initiative?

We are asking that you seek God’s guidance on what He is asking you of you. Prepare your heart to hear His voice and then listen closely to what He says. Join a small group and talk together with a trusted friend, spouse, or family about what this commitment will mean for the next season of your life. We are inviting you to make a sacrificial commitment, allowing our hearts to be set ablaze through our generosity. By giving, we not only deepen our own faith but also support the work of the church in transforming lives.

How long is my commitment?

We’re inviting everyone who calls Elmhurst CRC their church home to consider making a two-year commitment—24 months of giving. The fulfillment period for this commitment runs from December 1, 2024, through December 31, 2026. Every gift given during this time will directly support the Hearts Ablaze initiative.

What if I am new to Elmhurst CRC?

Hearts Ablaze is all about the vision God has for our entire church family—whether you’re new or have been with us for years, this includes you! We believe the local church is one of the most meaningful missions to invest in, and we'd be thrilled if you choose to make Elmhurst CRC your home. If you're ready, this is the perfect opportunity to ignite your passion and make this your church. We need your heart and your involvement, so we welcome you!

What if I have not been a regular giver to Elmhurst CRC before? Should I make a commitment?

If you've never given financially to Elmhurst CRC, or have only done so occasionally, Hearts Ablaze is a perfect opportunity to see how God can use your gifts for kingdom impact—and how your obedience can transform you in the process. Hearts Ablaze is a church-wide generosity initiative, calling everyone at Elmhurst CRC to sacrificial giving. This is a moment for each of us to step forward in faith.

Why are we doing a stewardship initiative now?

Over 18 months ago, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) discerned that this would be the “right time” for an initiative to eliminate the debt on our beautiful campus. This will allow us to keep investing bold new steps in ministry and establish a more secure financial future for years to come.

I’m uncomfortable when we focus so much attention on money. Can you help me?

Jesus spoke about generosity more than any other topic in Scripture, except for the Kingdom of God. Not only does Jesus talk about giving, He also instructs us on how much to give. Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Generosity is about more than just money. It is about our heart posture and living a life clearly committed to Christ.

Shouldn’t giving be a private matter between me and God?

Giving is a private matter between you and God. It’s certainly personal, and almost entirely private. There will be no published list of who has given.

Can I designate to one project, or just debt elimination?

Just like our regular giving, we are asking people to generously respond to the full Hearts Ablaze initiative over the next two years through Elmhurst CRC’s Elmhurst Ministries Fund. Our leadership has been entrusted with the responsibility of prioritizing spending on the new initiative and management of the funds. They will do so with much prayer, and great care, and stewardship of the resources given.

In addition to cash, are there other ways I can contribute to the Hearts Ablaze Initiative

Yes, be prayerful and creative as you explore ways you can give to the initiative. You might have stock, property, and other items of value. You may have stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He is calling you to give out of during this time. Please contact our Executive Director of Operations, Justin Lawrence at [email protected], or visit heartsablaze.elmhurstcrc.org to learn more about non-cash gifts.

In addition to a financial commitment, how else can I participate in Hearts Ablaze?

We want everyone at Elmhurst CRC to engage on a transformative spiritual journey through Hearts Ablaze by praying, studying Scripture, participating in small group life, and walking alongside others. Share your story with others. Join or lead a group. Serve faithfully or for the first time.

Take the next step on your journey of discipleship and see what God does.

Additional questions?

For more information, visit heartsablaze.elmhurstcrc.org.
Or reach out to Pastor Gregg DeMey, Lead Pastor at or .