Dear Church Family,

Every fire starts with a simple, small spark And when it comes to spiritual life, only God has the power to light the flame. God’s Spirit sparks fresh spiritual life over and over again in the Bible, most notably at Pentecost almost 2000 years ago, when tongues of fire fell literally on those who would be the first bearers of the Gospel message. More recently, God lit a unique spark 100 years ago in the life of Katherine Tessman, whose spiritual transformation resulted in the founding of the Bellwood Gospel Tabernacle, which has now become Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church.

And God is still igniting new sparks of spiritual transformation in our midst. Consider, just these few examples from summer, 2024:

  • We had an amazing group of new members join ECRC, more than two dozen strong.
  • We had nearly 30 young adults make public profession of faith along with some beautiful baptisms included along the way.
  • We entered into a partnership with the Ukraine Bible Church of Chicago, which meets every Friday evening and Sunday afternoon at our church building. The Ukrainian Church has ordained its first deacons into service and recently baptized new followers of Jesus in the waters of Lake Geneva, WI.
  • We’re working hard behind the scenes to have the Elmhurst Farmers Market make the Elmhurst CRC parking lot its new home in 2025. Our campus is capable of helping the market grow and flourish while providing the opportunity to access farm fresh food and bring it straight to our local tables so we can better grow and flourish. I’m so excited for this possibility! We’ll have the opportunity to bring thousands of friends and neighbors over to our “front porch” at church and offer some true hospitality to the wider community, as well as help the Farmer’s Market to succeed.
  • More than ever, Elmhurst CRC is welcoming people from all walks of life and all corners of the world. At a recent worship service, I spoke with worship attendees from West Africa, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, and even the USA. God is starting to do something new in our midst.

One possible reaction to reading all of this might be, “Woah! That’s a lot of new stuff. It might be time to slow down and take stock of what God is doing here.” I appreciate that! Whenever God is stirring up new Kingdom growth, it’s crucial to strategically get on board with where God’s Spirit is actively working.

Another possible reaction to reading the above might be, “Wow! If God is working in new ways, it sounds like it’s time to step on the gas!” I really appreciate that sentiment. There are seasons in the Spirit where remarkable growth can occur. I believe we are just entering into one of those seasons. One of the ways of increasing the spiritual momentum this fall will be through the initiation of our Hearts Ablaze campaign. You are encouraged to bring this book and to wear your Hearts Ablaze t-shirt to each of the six worship services between October 20 and November 24. I hope this will create a powerful, visible sign of unity as we lean forward into God’s plan for us.

With all the positive momentum already happening around our church, I keep asking and praying, “What might be possible if we all give sacrificially to God’s vision for us in the years ahead?” If part of you wonders about that, too, you’re in exactly the right place at the right time. We’re praying that God will use this campaign season to draw us closer together as a community, teach us more about the ways of Jesus, and kindle new spiritual life.

Because of Jesus and the work of his Spirit, what started 100 years ago as a small spark in the life of one Dutch immigrant has now grown into a mighty blaze; capable of burning bright and starting so much more. Let’s lean into the firelight.

— Pastor Gregg