
October 27

Breath Prayer:

In my heart (inhale) | Kindle your fire today(exhale)

Big Idea: God’s presence and power are represented throughout the Scriptures through the image of burning coals


Proverbs 25:21-22

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;

if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,

and the Lord will reward you.

Journal your reflections on this week’s message

Jesus, I feel _____

About _____

Because _____


How did your perspective change in response to today’s video testimony?

Was the Bible’s image of burning coals a new one to you?

Was there a particular passage from today’s Bible survey that impacted you? Why?

Read Isaiah 6:1-7

What happened to Isaiah as a result of being touched with burning coals?

Have you ever had an experience of God’s holiness that was anything like this?

Talk about it – Small Group Discussion Questions:

Review your sermon notes and personal reflections – what was most impactful to you?

What do burning coals represent in the Bible? Perhaps do a biblical word search with a concordance to see where else burning coals are used in the Bible.

When have you experienced the presence of God in a way that ignited your heart or made it feel like it was on fire?

Proverbs 25 and Romans 12:20 tells us to “heap burning coals” on the heads of those who have wronged us. What does this mean?

Can you think of a time when you were at odds with someone and either did or did not “heap burning coals” on their head? How could you do so this week and share the presence of God where you live, work, and play?

Close in prayer

Repeat this week’s Breath Prayer:

In my heart (inhale) | Kindle your fire today(exhale)

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